Customized development programs for leaders and organizations to support leaders with reaching their full potential

Accelerated leadership development programs

Create customized programs to develop your organization’s high potential talent

360-degree feedback

Use Center for Creative Leadership’s 360-degree assessments to identify strengths, development opportunities, career derailers and competencies most critical to the leader’s role and develop action plan informed by feedback

Emotional intelligence

Administer EQi 2.0 for individuals, groups or teams, to assess emotional intelligence, development potentials and targeted strategies to improve

Handling conflict 

Assess leaders’ current conflict style and the thinking and behaviors that will support leaders in addressing conflict effectively

Interpersonal communication

Identify communication style preferences in an effort to enhance communication and decrease misunderstandings

Personality style

Use Myers Briggs Type Indicator to identify personality style preferences and implications for communication and relationships

Identifying and leveraging strengths

Leverage Strengthsfinder assessment to identify towering strengths and opportunities to leverage them

Development planning

Create customized, actionable plan, based on assessments and interviews, to support career advancement